Thursday, March 31, 2011

Trust in the Lord.

hello followers! & hello to those who read my blog that i don't know about. i know there are some of you out there. ;) so, lately i have been feeling distant from the Lord. however, i am praying to Him every day for me to realize the times i could spend with him. even though i feel completely consumed with schoolwork, applying for jobs, and making sure i have a plan after graduation, i have not sat down once to THANK HIM for opening & closing doors that are paving a way for my future. He is to be praised for everything that is going on throughout my life. He is to be praised for the job i get when i graduate. He is to be praised EVERY SINGLE DAY. i am trusting in Him for my future.

today i freakedddd outttt because i had an interview. it was my first interview....ever. so, afterwards i felt all bummed because i felt like i bombed it even though he asked for more references. but, i doubted myself because i was only relying on myself to get me through that interview. i prayed before the interview, but i felt as though i was trying to do it on my own. then, this afternoon another interview opportunity opened up for me at another company i completely forgot i sent my resume to! GOD IS GOOD.

the Lord is sovereign, and i need to ask for HIS help EVERY SINGLE DAY. i should wake up and praise Him & i should go to sleep praising Him. satan wants me to feel distant from God. no. satan will not rise up over me. i will praise Him for HIS FAITHFULNESS. because "He is faithful in all He does." (Psalm 33:4, NIV)

Friday, March 18, 2011

oh, James..again!

i have been going through a tough time with the Lord lately. okay, maybe not actually with the Lord, but i feel very distant from Him. & i was going through my followers latest twitter posts & REVRUN (that's what i call him) PICKS ME UP ALL THE FREAKING TIME. he's great. follow him, for reals. & the scripture was out of James, who knew ;)

In James 4:8 it says, "Come near to God and he will come near to you." (NIV) i spent a while wednesday night just praying & wanting to feel the Lord around me. for me, it's not easy to be patient. but, it's what the Lord wants from us. He wants us to wait on him to show us how much we need Him. my prayer is that i lean on Him to give me strength to get through this time, and i want to be patient to see what He wants me to learn from this.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

taming of the tongue.

the Lord has taught me many things over the course of this past month. about myself. about others. about life. but, He has also taught me that James is a very wise man. James in the Bible that is. the taming of the tongue seems to be one of the hardest things for all of us to do. we gossip, argue, and lie with our words everywhere we turn. we are all guilty of not taming the tongue. i guess i just became aware of how much i did not tame my tongue this past month. i can think of instances time after time. however, God's grace for that is sufficient. i am healed from that.

now that i am healed, i must ponder on ways to understand the meaning of why not to do that. it is not just to make a law to be the bigger person. it is for me to realize the reasoning why it is wrong and just how hurtful they can be. one of my good friends says how she "word vomits" all the time. words come flying her mouth and it is too late to catch them. how many times do you "word vomit?" maybe vomit is not the best way to really say that..ha :) how many times do we not tame our tongue? how many times do you gossip in a day? how many times do you say something you did not mean to say? how many times do we break people down with our words..?

we should be mindful of our words and what they actually mean to others. different people will perceive things differently than others. i am a very blunt person when i get to know you. however, i can not just expect people to be okay with it. i do not like to sugar coat things if i am trying to say something else..but, i do need to be mindful of others feelings and what it might actually look like if i was the other. maybe this is just a jumbled up mess. but, it is food for thought. read James 3 on taming the tongue & look at it from different points of view.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


can you say slacker? i have definitely NOT lived up to my goal of doing a Psalm a day. i have definitely had time with the Lord and some of it has been in Psalms. but, not for this blog. i believe what i'm going to have to do is update on what the deal is, what is going on in my life, & what the Lord has taught me for that day. sound like a plan? well, i sure hope so.