Thursday, August 9, 2012


holy goshness. my life has been consisting of a lot lately.
work, reading, work, sleeping, gluten free research, gluten free cooking, work, funerals, work, weddings, friends, road trips, work, checkin' out other blogs, job searching, interviews, work.

Jesus is definitely saying, slow down ames. slow the mess down.

however, what has been really fun is watching the olympics.
when the olympics first came, i was just confused as to why it would be really intriguing because i just never had time to watch the olympics when they came on during summers & winters in the past.
i have enjoyed the olympics so much this year. to hear of amazing stories of passion and dedication to different sports is amazing. i am so proud to be from a country of such talented individuals, but also to see others from other countries succeed as well! God made us all so different and it's so neat to see how Olympians from other countries compete with those with a certain common denominator of a certain sport.

i'm really excited about the next few weeks.
concerts&weddings! :]