Monday, June 25, 2012

happy monday.

because of an appointment out of town, today was a day off from work! sweet! i love those!
my day off consisted of..
- frantically losing my phone
- taking me about 20 minutes trying to find it..[darn when it falls in a hiding place in the car]
- stopping to fill up the gas tank [which i'm using my mothers tanK this week..!]
- 45 min drive with lovely starbucks treat for myself :]]] yumm-eeeee.
- appointment went fantastic
- lunch with this sweet, sweet friend. such a jokester she is.
- finding AWESOME vintage pieces to use in the home&&found a vintage button down that is amazing to say the least. here is a little sneak peek to my fab-O finds. [more to come on the fab items]
- then car inspection&car related things.

my first blog post with pics. from my phone until i can get a handy-dandy, awesome snapper.
happy monday!

Sunday, June 24, 2012


oh hi!
sorry for the delay in blogging. life has been crazy whack. ready to get back to the grind.

i am so [disturbed&disgusted] by the ridiculousness i found on the internet the other day. i was looking at a couple things on twitter, just browsing through some profiles when i came across this nonsense:
"Sorry slut, your vagina doesn't have a delete history button."
tweet from @CauseWereGuys

i am appalled by this & how society makes women out to be a "slut" for being with numerous people, but giving men no responsibility for actions.
let me make myself clear on this however:
i am not saying that men will not take responsibility for a woman sleeping with multiple men. women ARE responsible for sleeping with multiple people. however, i am upset at how men can sleep with multiple women are nothing is said, but if a woman does, she is viewed as a "slut."
a woman's number could be the same as a man's, however she is viewed differently.
i think this is completely wrong and disgusting especially for our society to be at this point.

&& women, if you are affected by this type of negative talk, there is grace..
there is a "delete history" button in the sake of JESUS. He gave his life to take away our mistakes.
there is NOTHING that we can do to take the gift of grace and love that Jesus gave us away.
You are HIS, not that of the world. You are His daughter. A Daughter of the King.
whether your number is 1 or 101, there is grace. repent and step away from the enemy who has grabbed hold of you. 

at the same time, someone who agrees with the quoted tweet above would never be a man in my book. these people are not loving people like Jesus; and someone who thinks this is even funny is repulsive.

In His Love-