Thursday, October 11, 2012


kinda wondering whether i should keep blogging........


Sunday, October 7, 2012

sunday mornin' rain is fallin.

this weekend the pups&i had some sweet visitors.
my big, lisa, came to visit and brought her sweet pupster bella. macy & bella had a blast together. i wish i would have made a video of them playing with one another. they slept very well, that's for sure.
lisa&i went downtown & ate lunch at this amazing place called our daily bread. i had an amazing apple walnut salad which was amazing. the walnuts had a bit of candied goodness on them which was sweet while the vinaigrette added the salty flavor to it. yum-o.
then, we met up with my sweet friend jennifer at the habitat for humanity restore. while i was unsuccessful at this trip to the restore, they found some treasures.
then, went downtown to some of the shops and just had fun looking around.
then, we went to eat some yummy mexican food down the street from my place. it was oh so yummy, & i ate wayyy tooo muchhh. [[who doesn't at mexican restaurants anyways?]]
this morning was a lazy morning. we woke up pretty early and then started pinning on our pintrest apps. [[of course]] fell asleep a little longer & then my sweet big&bella were on their way back home. it was a very good visit. i probably have not spent time with her like that for about three years now. crazy how time flies. we are both so similar, down to earth, chill, and get distracted easily. meant to be big&little!
it was a maroon 5 lazy, sunday morning..[sunday mornin' rain is fallin']
making lunch for this weeks lunches&watching the steelers WiN! wahoo! & troy was in for this game! double wahoO! it has been a good sunday so far. two weeks from today i will be going to a church here. i haven't completely decided where i will attend yet...we shall see.
more great posts this week including crafts&food! :]
stay tuned bloggos.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

happy fall y'all!

one of my recent obsessions is finding recipes & changing all ingredients to make the masterpiece gluten free! i am obsessing on pinterest&other crafty blogs i follow to do these things.

also, i have been getting lots of ideas to decorate for fall! eeekkkk. doing that this week & posting all of my results! so, stay tuned for gluten free goodness&awesome fall decorations in the coming weeks! :]

because let's be real, october is my favorite month for multiple reasons.

happy fall y'all!

Thursday, September 27, 2012


i get so annoyed with myself. because i have been doing so much research about new things to cook & try to be domestic, & then i forget to take pictures of EVERYTHING!
i've made so many cool things lately. all ideas from other peeps while making my own adjustments; but not sharing them! how do i ever think there will be any progression for me in the blogosphere?! i do need to get better about these things. taking pics of my crafting&cooking, baking&instagramming, & everything in between as well.
i am totally on a pinterest high right now. getting ready to do so many things on pinterest! yay! decorating for the apartment to make it feel like homeeee.
i need furniture tho. a friend of mine came up yesterday & the first thing was "nice furniture." i would post a picture of my furniture right now, but it's just too embarrassing. literally, you would be traumatized by the photo! i'm using a storage bin as a tv stand right now, & my pieces of furniture consists of my favorite papasan chair & a tailgating mesh chair! whoa.
needs to go soon! i will be getting something soon hopefully! maybe the furniture fairy will come knocking on this non-profit girls door!
anywho, i begin a small group next week with a group of girls. i am really excited about this opportunity to have community and just meet this lovely ladies.
a lot of rambling going today on this journey.
much love, blogees.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

humane society.

guess what?
if you know me, you know exactly what. however, if you don't, then it's going to be a total surprise! :]
my pupster is finally moved in! yay!
it's been the best thing ever! she moved in on sunday, and monday could not have been more of a long day at work. i was so excited to come home and her be here with me. she is so great at being a great companion.
i rescued the pupster the day after i graduated college. i had been wanting a dog since my previous dog ran away, and obvs never came back, in middle school. also, my parents weren't really fans of me having a dog not knowing what was in my future. sometimes on saturdays i would go to petsmart to browse the pups because it just put me in such a good mood. the day after graduation, move out was just insane. i was stressed and needed some time. while i was checking out all the sweet pups, one really caught my eye. she was just beautimous. even though she was sleeping in a crate, you could tell she was full of personality!

after having lunch i decided to go back to just get some additional information about her. while talking with the humane society volunteers, they were informing me of the 7 individuals&families that were interested in her! immediately, i called my parents, burst into tears, and said i was going to get this dog & pretty much begging them to finally let me get one! [[even if i had graduated, i was going to be living with them, so kinda needed the okay]]
i ran back inside and signed the papers while bawling my eyes out and saying crazy things. good thing no one was with me because i would have embarassed them half to death!
rescuing a dog is definitely one of the greatest experiences of my life. knowing that my pup, 'macy' could have never lived past a certain period of time because of numerous different things is so upsetting. for a couple years, i wanted to buy a dog for hundreds of dollars. visiting humane societies and hearing the stories of different animals really opened my eyes to the option of rescuing a pup.

the pupster right after adoption!
if you do anything in your life, rescue a pup & adopt. there are so many animals that have been abandoned, mistreated, and many other things for no reason.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


okaysies. now for more deets on my super cool job-O.

if you're new to this thing i like to call my bloggity blog, hi!
but, to get you up-to-speed little bit of what happened in the past year or so.

to make a long story short...
got a job in july 2011. quit november 2011. 
went into a season of waiting with the Lord really asking Him what He wanted for me & not what i wanted for myself. really great time of patience&reassurance from the Lord that He has everything in place for me when i need it to happen & to really trust in Him abundantly.
got a seasonal position at bath&body works [i liked all the great perks!] & worked at chick-fil-a. was promoted to a training director. hated it. boo.

so, back to the present.
i am with a company that i just adore to pieces, Samaritans Purse. if you haven't checked it out make sure you google it. anyways..we have devotions every morning which i love how our whole organization gets togeths every morning to do that. so great to see faces in other departments&make relationships with them. it has been really great getting to know the community at work & i only hope to do that as well in other aspects of my life in my new town.

if you feel down&out about where you are in life, you may just need to take a breather. the Lord is calling for you to come&rest in Him. to talk, ponder, teach&inspire you. the Lord took that time in my life to teach me many things through many different life experiences. He also taught me how to put things into practice. some of those things i am just now being able to put into practice. it's been an amazing journey up until now, & i know the Lord is saying "the best is yet to come."

seek&rest in Him today. 

Monday, September 10, 2012


moving is such a crazy thing.
i'm still not really settled...
my little pupster isn't here yet, but will be soon! so, that's good news!
i think exploring will be a lot more fun when she is here to share that experience with me.

my job is great&i'm really excited about it! i love it up here, & i will only love it more once i meet new friends.
fall i believe has arrived! :] i'm loving the crisp aiR...