Sunday, May 29, 2011

the journey.

i have been really excited about attending a church in my hometown community that has really just revolutionized this county. they have been growing so rapidly lately because their vision is "to see people far from God, filled with Life in Christ." the pastor, Matt "Shapiro" Hudson, was called into ministry & later called to come back to his hometown to reach the 22,000 in our community who are lost. i have known Matt for many years through a friend who moved away years ago then to re-meet him later on in life where i discovered his church. today was the first day attending. the presence of the Lord in this place was amazing. Matt is a true gift to my hometown & gave me a new perspective on those who are lost, even those in my hometown i may know:

NEVER think anyone far from God can not be united with Christ.

the message today was called "upgrade." & i received such a move from God in this message. it was just amazing. it was talking about investing in God's kingdom: are we investing in our own kingdom or are we investing in God's kingdom? Matthew 6:33 tells us, "But seek first His kingdom & His righteousness, & all these things will be given to you as well." Are we going to give the Lord what's left or are we going to give God our best? we should ALWAYS bring God our best. The Lord promises us he will provide for us in seeking His kingdom. we shouldn't just want the benefits of what he will provide for us. we should want to seek His kingdom. we should bask in the goodness of the Lord!

investing in the kingdom of God can be scary. it can be going on a summer project like i did last year. i was so scared to raise the money to get me there. i was so scared of what it would be like. but, it was a life-changing experience for me. investing could be supporting someone who is called to ministry. investing could be investing in a church to reach those who are lost. investing could mean time spent on volunteering for the needy. investing could mean sharing the Gospel with those who are lost on spring break. investing can mean many different things. i've done some of these things & some i am about to embark on. while the beginning is always scary, it's all about stepping out on faith & trusting the Lord. so, will you take your cues from culture & society or will you take your cues from CHRIST?

i was in tears at so many different parts of this message. we were challenged to read Malachi this week because we referenced to it some in the message. this week i will be reading & pondering on the book of Malachi. join me if you'd like! :]

Saturday, May 28, 2011

His love.

since leaving the college world & heading into the real world, i have learned so much [as we can see by my previous post that everything in life changes]. however, i'm clinging to the hope the Lord gives me. i have sought Him every single day because i know i can not do this alone [this meaning ANYTHING!] he is my strength & gives me strength to do everything in life.

something that has really been on my heart is to truly be authentic with people & to really show the Love of Christ for what it really is; not just by saying things to them, but showing them the Love of Christ. As 1 John 3:18 says, "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." It makes me think back to when I didn't have a personal relationship with the Lord & i was seriously LOST. so LOST. wowzerrrrsss. i didn't know what love really was until i met the Lord & knew who He was & what He really wanted for me. His love is poured over me, all the time, every day. it's like when you are standing under a waterfall & the water is God's love [if you can't tell, i'm a very visual person :)] when standing under a waterfall, it's so refreshing--& cold!--while being showered. that's exactly how refreshing God's love is for us. it's so refreshing & wonderful to know someone loves us UNCONDITIONALLY & it is UNFAILING. God's love never ceases. He will always love me for being me.

last night, i ate sushi [yumm, haven't had it in like 6 months!] with a friend & while talking about Jesus with her, I was taken aback for the love He has poured into my life. it's not just by loving me in times of trial or loving me when i'm on top of the world, but it's the people He has put into my life, it's the amazing world He has created around me, it's the abounding grace He gives me, it's dying & giving me eternal life in heaven with the Father, & it's so many more things He has shown me that shows me His love for me. it's by HIS ACTIONS that we are loved, not just by his speech, just as the Bible tells us. we should live & try to be like Christ, but knowing we will fail but constantly showing the Love of Christ. because just as we have discovered, His love is so much more than saying He loves me for being me. it's what He has done for me.

I fall more in love with the Lord every day because of the small things in life He shows me that exemplify His love for me.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


changes, changes. may 13th seems so long ago, but yet it's really only been 13 days since my life has taken a complete 180. i am no longer an undergraduate student, moved back home for a little bit, a mommy to a sweet, little 4 month old puppy [we have our first training class tonight! so excited! having a puppy is really like having a child, its hard work at times & cost you money, but it's completely worth it!!], unemployed [but diligently searching!], signed a lease to move to a new city, single, & changed my hairstyle & put some blond in for the summer. even though some of these may seem like some really minor changes & some of them are really huge, it's definitely been different.

however, what i have learned from this whole experience is to rely on the LORD, COMPLETELY for all of my plans to come together. the Lord is shaping my life every single day & it's crazy to see all of these things just come together right before my eyes. the Lord has really pushed me the past few days to push myself to find my niche & to know that i am worth SO MUCH to Him & that i have great things i will do in life. even though i may not get the job i want when i first make it out in the workforce, i know that everything is happening for a reason. i am meeting new people so i can show them the unfailing love the Lord gives us. & I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THAT!! i'm almost speechless [even though i'm ramblingggg...].

i have really clung to some scripture during these times of change. even though change can seem scary, we have to go on with life. take every hardship & every struggle & not let the devil get the best of us. Philippians 4:6&7 say: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer & supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. & the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts & your minds in Christ Jesus." also, Lamentations 3:24 says, "'The Lord is my portion,' says my soul, 'therefore I will hope in Him.'" i have learned to let the Lord overtake my feeling to control things & to let the Lord handle it. it's amazing how freeing it is too! :]

the excitement i have of the life ahead of me cannot really be expressed in words. all of this change has made me excited to see what the Lord has in store for me. i'm excited to read, bake&cook, new Bible studies, studying the Word on my own, new friends, new experiences, new job, etc. there are so many things to be grateful for during this time in my life. my hope is in the Lord who will provide for me & keep me strong in times i may feel weak.