Sunday, March 25, 2012

choose to trust.

church today was just amazing for me. i've always had trust issues & today was really eye opening to the chains that have been binding me on this issue. here is the sermon we watched today at church & it was much needed not only for me but everyone! we could always use reinforcement on how important trust is in relationships.

i always knew i had trust issues, but this really put it into perspective for me. it is my choice whether to have trust issues or not. & it comes down to my choice to change it. same goes for you. it is your choice to change whether you are going to choose to trust.

the whole purpose of the life apps sermon series at Journey is to apply these vital sermons to our lives. that being said, i am excited to apply the things i've learned over the past few weeks to my life. especially this because i've had such a struggle with trust. trusting friends, guys, family even. & like Andy says in this sermon, everyone says they have someone that is the exception to the rule to this trusting application. no. did the Lord have an exception of people he chose not to love? & we should strive to be like Christ; therefore, trust.

i just think this sermon is great & if you have about 30 minutes just watch it. it's really great & has lots of tips on how to trust&love how the Lord tells us to.

in His Love--

Sunday, March 4, 2012

who we become.

so, it took me 2 whole months to read the book captivating. what's the reason it took me so long you ask? because i learned so much from this book. sometimes i would read a page a day & just reread it because i wanted to take in everything it had to say. however, i know i do not remember every single line out of that book. i did highlight many parts & look upon them often to remember certain areas that i may struggle with. i have to say that it is a book every woman should read. this book came at a very great time for me as well. the Lord placed this as my first book to read after Christmas because He knew what i was going to endure.

i have grown up with the feelings of not being good enough for a lot of people, my family, boys, friends even. i wrestle with those thoughts&feelings every day. the only person who needs to validate my beauty and worth is the Lord. no one else. not friends, not boys, not family. & that should be enough for all of us. we shouldn't need the attention of a million people to validate what we do, say, feel, look like; we shouldn't need people to validate who we are or who we become.

today, my prayer is that you and i keep our eyes fixed on this fact: the Lord is enough for us. the Lord will provide everything we need.
no family, no relationship, & no friend can do that.

in His Love--