Tuesday, August 9, 2011


ever since i have moved into my new apartment, i have been missing a few things.
i mean of course i have missed my dog; she's so hilarious & can bring a smile to my face anytime of the day. even though she can be such a nuisance [because she is a puppy & all puppies are], she is just great. she is sort of absent minded like me, but she is so genuine. today i came home because i needed to get a few things & wanted to spend time with family. & the reaction i get every time i get to see her again is so fun.
i have missed the genuine community from LR. it is hard when you move on your own & you don't live within a couple steps of your community of friends. since my schedule changes every week, i can't always go to certain things at summit that are every week because sometimes i am at work. & with all my other friends schedules & work schedules we can't always see each other. difficult!
i have missed working out. that is my own fault for not getting into a schedule so far. i need to figure out a time i can get up every morning, work out, eat, & then get ready so i feel healthy & fit again. so, workinggg on that. & i need to budget my moo-lah. gotta start doing that. that's not really something i have missed because i haven't really had to do that much...yes, i may be a bit spoiled. i admit.
growing up & moving out on your own is definitely rewarding, but it has made me think A LOT about A LOT of things. i have been really anxious about things lately. on my way home today i have been reminded so much of how i am totally not in control & need to lean on the Lord so much more than i do. also, i need to have more confidence in myself that i can do what the Lord has me doing right now. i am so hard on myself at work because i feel like i am not measuring up. i do this so often because i can be such a perfectionist. i hate making mistakes because i feel like it makes me look like i have no idea what i am doing & that i shouldn't be where i am. but, i just need to get over that. i need to have faith in myself & faith in the Lord that He has put me here for a reason.
so many people say you learn the most while you're in college because you are growing up for the first time outside of your parents reach. i also believe that i am learning so much now though too! we never stop learning because if there is ever a time where you feel like you know everything, well you are just being arrogant & fooling yourself. there is always so much to learn about yourself, about the Lord, and about things in life. i was telling a few friends last night that i feel like i will always be looked at as the "dumb blonde" because i can be really absent minded at times. but, i need to have faith in myself because i think i am pretty smart, however, i know that i need to keep learning! bring on the books to learn more! i need more time in the day to get everything done i need to!!
this post may seem mumble jumbled, but that is how it feels in my mind. however, even though i have had so many things on my mind i have decided to stay positive even if i haven't always been at times. someone i follow on twitter said recently, "seems like there are a couple of options:: 1. be positive or 2. be overwhelmed. i pick 1." today i am choosing 1. i will choose to not overwhelm myself & have faith.

in His Love--